Powerful. Engaging. Informative.
Engaging Presentations
Beneath the Surface: The Pain Killing Our Kids
Description: Death by Suicide in teens is on the rise and shows no slowing down. Let's slow this devastating trend. Dive beneath the surface of the youth mental health crisis and explore the real issues driving teens to end their lives.
Through the power of personal stories, parents and educators will
- Learn to recognize and validate emotional pain using three life-saving messages all struggling teens need to hear.
- Discover the power of confidently initiating mental health conversations as a solution, not to be dreaded.
- Gain real-life insights that turn talk into a walk of saving lives.
After this presentation, parents and educators will see the crisis from a new perspective and understand their role in initiating conversations that become the bridge on which teens walk out of isolation into connection.
Book AmySurviving Your Teen’s Suicide Attempt:
What Every Parent Needs to Know
Description: Amy recognizes that, as parents, we experience our teens' mental health crises in a powerful way. We often suffer in silence under the pressure of "it was my fault," "if I'd just said this or that," "why didn't I see it," "what did I do wrong," or "why wasn't I there enough?" The guilt and shame are unbearable, and we begin to think that maybe we aren't cut out for this. In this talk, Amy shares the story of her 17-year-old daughter's suicide attempt and how she navigated the aftermath of one of the most heart-wrenching times in parenting. Amy brings awareness to the emotional impact of knowing your teen tried to end their life and the hopelessness and powerlessness so many parents feel as they watch their teen suffer.
This talk explores the fundamental truths of being a parent - of letting go and of the strength and resilience parents have inside themselves, even in the dark times. Parents walk away with renewed purpose and commitment to themselves and their teens.
In this talk, parents define:
- Their role during a mental health crisis.
- The importance of letting go.
- How to establish emotional boundaries.
- Ways to take care of themselves.
- Learn to forgive themselves for being human.
The goal of this talk is to validate and empower parents, recognize what they go through, and let them know they are not alone. “I want this talk to fill their cup and give them a fresh perspective on how resilient they really are.” ~ Amy Lee
âťť I use my story as a mirror for people to see inside their own lives. âťž
Are you looking for:
âś” A speaker with personal lived experience who can deeply engage and inspire your audience while addressing the sensitive topic of suicide with professionalism and care?
âś” Someone with years of experience in classrooms and working with educators who understand firsthand that this delicate subject requires a unique and qualified approach?
Hiring a speaker for a mental health event is no small task—especially when addressing sensitive topics.
So, if that’s you, I’m here to help.
You need someone who:
âś” You can trust, with the expertise, to safely and thoughtfully guide your audience through what can be a triggering conversation.
âś” Someone who knows how to teach mental health topics through engaging stories so that your audience walks away knowing more about themselves and their mental health.
Because here’s the thing… having personal lived experience doesn’t automatically mean someone knows how to share their story in a way that resonates with your audience or meets the needs of your event.
In fact, if they aren’t familiar with best practices for discussing suicide, their message could unintentionally do more harm than good.
What sets me apart is my unique combination of expertise as a suicide intervention and prevention specialist and an impactful storyteller, as well as having survived suicide.
Give your audience the best possible experience at your next event!
Book AmyAmy's Message
"You are not alone. Let my story be your guide. When I am speaking, the goal for my audience is, and always will be, for them to walk away from my speaking engagements knowing more about themselves and their own story. I use what's called the mirror method. I tell my audience I hope to be a mirror for them to see inside their own lives so they can walk out knowing more about themselves. I encourage people to use my story as a guide, or roadmap of sorts, to help them navigate their own."